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He was a seventh-round draft pick of the Chicago Bears in 2005 and would end his six-year NFL stint having played 51 games with the Bears and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, gathering 47 tackles, 1 tackle for loss, and 1 forced fumble, per Pro Football Reference. The AFC West champions hired Rod Wilson back in March, according to the Chiefs Wire’s Charles Goldman.

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The Chiefs have brought one of their former coaches back into the fold. Kansas City’s 2022 away games will be against the Raiders, Chargers, Broncos, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, San Francisco 49ers, Arizona Cardinals, Cincinnati Bengals, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.Ĭhiefs Re-Hire Former KC Coach, Ex-NFL Player The other home games for the Chiefs next season will be against the Las Vegas Raiders, Denver Broncos, Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Los Angeles Rams, Seattle Seahawks, and Buffalo Bills. With Kansas City’s first home game revealed, we now must wait until May 12 to find out when they will face the remainder of their opponents.

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First game on is gonna be fun 🔥 #TNFonPrime /yubfvbKEtb

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